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Plot 82 Text by Evy Jokhova, 2011, Royal College of Art, London. Edition of 30

A ribbon runs to the horizon, a luscious green unveils. A bird’s song intertwining with the breeze, an overbearing sheen of emerald, trees with mature full-bodied crowns, a gentle summer, no harsh light.

Plot 82 is an artist book that takes as its starting point a photograph of a field in Austria. This particular field in eastern Vienna, is one of the few remaining undeveloped and in the ownership of local farmers, where most adjacent fields have been turned into large housing development schemes over the past 20 years. The audience is invited to layer architectural blueprints of dense development possibilities over the image of the field and decide whether it is best left undeveloped or not. Media: letterpress, lithography and archival digital print, hand bound.

Images in order: 1. Plot 82; 2. Plot 82, at KALEID 2012, London, UK; 3. Plot 82, at Royal Academy Summer Show 2012, London, UK